al salamo 3alikom wa ra7mato Allah,
how do u c the new theme ? ...I liked change only, not the theme itself :P's running away from studying :D
Have u ever heard before about Phishing ?
Maybe ... and the most probable is that u have experienced it without knowing it's phishing
Phishing is simply the email u receive asking u for information such us credit-card number, password, etc.. Illegaly
Few years ago it has been spread a page looks like hotmail sign-in page, It sends input data to the page creator (That's ur mail and password, u thought u r logging in!)
Other examples maybe email seems to be sent by some bank asking to confirm ur personal data or ur account will be expired...
Phishing pages may be detected logically by how the sender speech, links in content, secure url, etc... u could find this in Wikipedia and a little search on Google ofcourse :D
I've heard the term 'Phishing' since I used the IE7... and today I've entered a Phishing IQ, proudly i got 4/10 in determing phishing emails :D
Start quiz, I'll be happy to know ur results ;)
al salamo 3alikom wa ra7mato Allah
هناك ١٧ تعليقًا:
Proudly got 4/10 too.. :)
5/10 :huuh
nice quiz :D
// ya tara are u posting this post on a secure link walla hata7'od my password 8-) ??!!
coool man :D
ana gebt 5/10 I'm like Asmaa 2e7na a7san menak 2enta we Roaa :huh :D
Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh
I got Seveeeeeeeeeeeen (7/10) :huh.
However, I feel I can be deceived easily (A).
Bas ya Moussa b2a :huh
My score page (Is it phishing ?) :
al salamo 3alikom..
nice scores, but i liked the "4/10" cuz it's the same as the poster score :P
then let me say What's good about the number "4" :
- number of quadrilateral edges
- mod(4,2) == 0
- Maximum number of allowed wives
- We have been friends for about 4 years .. al-hamdulellah
- 'Gang of four' founders of design patterns
- 4 index the 5th element in most programming languages ;)
- The 'four-color theorem' for coloring maps
- The four printing colors 'CMYK'
That's all i could remember ;) .. more on Wikipedia: number 4
al salamo 3alikom wa ra7mato Allah
About number '5' b2a:
-We pray 5 times a day.
-We have 5 fingers in each hand.
-5 ^ x = y5
-5 * x = y5 or y0
-5 is the 5th Fibonacci number
-fe site esmo Hi5, bass mafeesh Hi4 :P
-my name "Asmaa" contains 5 charecters :huuh
5 :P:P
About number '1':
- we have 1 God, no god but ALLAH
- I'm the only child for my parents :huh :D
Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen :D
and the 7 is the best :huh...
- 7 sanaye3 wel ba7't daye3.
- el otta liha 7 arwa7.
- The week has 7 days.
- There are 7 araden and 7 samawat.
- we make 7 rounds around the holy Ka'aba, and 7 trips betweeen Al-Safa an Al-Marwa.
- 'Mustafa', 'Haytham', 'Diablos', even 'Mohamad' have 7 characters :huh.
- Mira team is 7 members.
- We drink "7-up", not "4-up" or "5-up".
- James Bond is oo7.
- World wonders are 7.
- We are now in 2007, el sa3a 7.
- 7 in binary 111.
- al fate7a heya el 7 mathani.
- el 7abba tonteg 7 sanabel.
- 7 baqarat (cows) 3ejaf, wa 7 seman.
- Haytham got 7/10 fel test
- Mustafa (ana) got 7/10 fel test :D
gamed ;)
This can beat number 4 and 5 but not number ONE.
"we have 1 God, no god but ALLAH"
I give up :D
ana hasayeb wikipedia 3aleko :D
ana 7assa en Zizo momken yartakeb gareema be sabab kol el comments de but I have a final comment :P.
About Mustafa and the number "7", did u notice that the time of ur comment was: "7:17" ;)
and it can be also represented as "6:77" :D
ana hartakeb gareema 3shan number 7 keseb, grrr :D
I liked that article..
Honestly, from the first trial I got the 10 answers correct :)
Do you call that luck??
I guess it needs special skills :)
I'm Abeer Ghandar :)
السلام عليكم ورجمة الله وبركاته
جميلة جدا
في الحقيقة وقعت ضحية لاحدى ال
phishing link
حيث تتبعت رابط من بريد موثوق منه و ضاع بريدي ، لدي استفسار :
كيف استطاع مرسل الرسالة ان يرسلها بنفس هوية المرسل الموثوق منه ؟
ارجو الافاده
و شكرا
thanx , 6/10
I GOT 8 but could have got 9 i susbected Bank of Choice becuase it didnt have any logo or anything..but the content of the mail was ok...anyway this bank should be punished for being not neat enough
Mohamed Mostafa
i got 9/10 :D
إرسال تعليق