الأربعاء، ديسمبر ٢٧، ٢٠٠٦

I've alot to say...

al salamo 3alikom wa ra7mato Allah wa barkatoh,

how r u everybody ? wish u r all doing well...

Today is our last practical exams days, we had 3 practical exams... Visualization, Mathematical Programming and Simulation

Then, should I talk about the practical exams ?
or should I talk about Doctors .. some times 'called' professors ?
or may I talk about some dreams..wishes ?
also I may talk about some topic I've read just 2 days ago, that I wanted to read 2 years ago :D, it's just simple ... no more than 2 pages!
ooh, i was about to forget, in my blog it's the most suitable place to talk about my designs..

Thoughts are incrementing rapidly in my mind... 'my mind' a part of my body, a main part, that controls my ears, my eyes, my nose ...... oh i'm saying 'my ..' as it's actaully a gift! A gift from ALLAH... that's the thing I decided to talk about, others I'll manage n-sha2-Allah to talk about later, here is the centre of my speech:

'And if you would count the favors of Allâh, never could you be able to count them. Truly! Allâh is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.'
Al-Nahl, verse no. 18
Even only one favor, we couldn't count!
Imagine how many organs are doing its task for me to see ?
how many atoms ? how many electrons rotate in a defined orbit ?
The nervous system, that let me feel..
Ears, Nose, Mouth, Eyes, Hands, Legs,,, Digestive 'System'
The most organized system ever... I will stop talking about biology here, I'll go to humanities issues, still the same main topic.
How many times have you reached Success ?
How many times have you wakeup from your sleeping ? (how many years ??)
How many (maybe much) persons love you ?
How much oxygen do you breathe to stay alive ?
How many trees are there to help serving you that oxygen ?? ... yes, It's a system
How many water drops have you drank ?
Why people remember failure more than success ?
Today, suddenly I've remembered one of my success stories, I started remembering those moments... I kept thanking ALLAH, and asking why don't I remember these moments always when I face failure ?
These moments increase the work spirit ... It let you even find a goal If you don't have one
Isn't that one of the favors ALLAH gave us ? to 'remember' and to 'succeed' ...
Yes, Success is favor from ALLAH, we work to obey ALLAH orders ,, and ALLAH lead us to success then.
A complete oraganized huge system, that a 'thankfull' human being find place in it, and others never advance
Thanks ALLAH for giving me this skills, of writing now ... for understanding the words I see .. for seeing the world around.. for the body, for the friends for for for ... I'll never finish
I couldn't even stop writing, I don't know how to close this post
To meet u later next posts n-sha2-Allah
al salamo 3alikom wa ra7mato Allah wa barkatoh

هناك تعليقان (٢):

Haytham Alaa يقول...

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh,

I've nothing to say but "wa ne3ma bellah"...

Allahom Eg3lna wa eyakom mn al zakereen al mozakkereen.

Alsalam alikom wa ra7mat Allah wa barakatoh.

Asmaa Magdi يقول...

Today when I was in the bus (back from my aunt visit), I began thinking of what Allah gave me in my life. I thought about the "humanities issues" u mentioned. I really feeled Allah's huge ne3am to me. Even this feeling is a bless from Allah. I sometimes thank Allah for the ability of thanking him. It's like recursion :D.

nothing more to say. gr8 post (Y).

Thanks Allah!!