الاثنين، يناير ١١، ٢٠١٠

The Four

Here shedding some light, from a different perspective, on 4 of the most influencing characters in the region, east to west.

The Four have come from different origins, over decades, centuries ago.. to give those who observe the world's history, a symbol of coexistence among different cultures; and how rich/massive knowledge, solid arguments and terrific communication skills have made of them .. role models! because they are not the only ones.

They believed in the secret behind traveling, dealing with different people .. cultures and matters.

The Four had knowledge of medicine, astronomy, philosophy and/or genealogy; professional discernment-ers; native knights. Learnt and taught language, and made best of the language in arguments and digging deep .. in their major science.
They have been into such different fields because they realized the importance of science, as a necessary thing more than being a hobby! .. and no need to say how this empowered their contribution to conversations with different people of different backgrounds.

They were nominated for high positions because they gained the mass trust, and the governor's trust. One of the most significant positions was working as a jurist .. fraud-free justice

The Four, are the The Four Muslim Imams

- ..were charismatic
- Understood the other opinion, and won strong logical debates
- Learnt from their ancestors
- Worked with every smart person who had sufficient knowledge, to deliver their knowledge to people
- Knew they are not Gods; again, they only well used their rich knowledge

They didn't:
- Choose to target a sector of those who have very limited knowledge, who would only praise their speech .. and appear as mavericks
- Ignore the others knowledge and opinions
- Miss strong ability of speech

I'd like to end with a quote/verse for each of the four:

حرام على من لم يعرف دليلي أن يفتي بكلامي
الإمام أبو حنيفة النعمان
ليس هذا الجدل من الدين بشيء
الإمام مالك بن أنس
تغرب عن الأوطان في طلب العلا وسافر ففي الأسفار خمس فوائد
تفرج هم، واكتساب معيشة وعلم وآداب، وصحبة ماجد
الإمام محمد بن إدريس الشافعي
إن الله يقيم الدولة العادلة حتى وإن كانت كافرة.. ولا يقيم الدولة الظالمة حتى وإن كانت مسلمة
الإمام أحمد بن حنبل

هناك تعليقان (٢):

Unknown يقول...

جميل جدا

اللى بيتكلم عن الأئمة الأربعة بنفس المنطلق اللى بتتكلم بيه الدكتور عمرو خالد فى برنامجه دعوة للتعايش

Mohammed ElMorsy يقول...

ربنا يكرمك :)
أنا خدت بالي في نص الموضوع من تشابه المنطلق اللي بنتكلم منه
للأسف ما تابعتش حلقات دعوة للتعايش للآخر، بس نويت ان شاء الله