الثلاثاء، أغسطس ٠٨، ٢٠٠٦

lonely !

al salamo 3alikom wa ra7mato Allah,

lonely, a bad/good feeling, good if it's forgotten and worked in something useful, and bad when it start controlling my mind.

instead of talking about my personal feelings, I'll talk about something that i think it's useful, the topics may not be organized enough, but i wish it .... works

few weeks ago, graduation project has taken a part of our time, thinking of graduation project, determining the department, are they tightly related ? does the department affect the postgraduation life ?

alot of opinions, and long time of conversation, it started by thinking of some new ideas (scientific projects) as it was supposed that all of us gonna choose scientific computing,,, we thought of a flight simulator, a human-mind action predictor, robot simulation, sound/air environment analysis, etc...
actually all topics are going to science, it has something to do with science, we thought of it cuz we need to fit the project to the department!
is that logical ?, may be, later we (me and kamal) met Dr. Abdullah Gamal, he is a graduate of S.C. dept., he didn't find what he expected, scientific department outside FCIS (maybe outside Egypt) has another view!
That speech conclusion, is that every computer scientist should know about networks, image processing, compilers, etcc... .... yup, Computer Science subjects :D
he said that only 'Computational Geometry' was the interesting subject, and may help the computer scientist
If you wanna be an Assitant, and your grades of the previous three years is acceptable, then go to scientific, ,,, if you wanna study the "Computer Science" for knowledge and has more to do with work than scientific, then go to C.S.
Scientific has nothing to do with work in egypt, except in a little number of companies such as Schlumberger (oil and petroleum)
Then we scheduled a meeting with Ahmad Safwat, Mahmoud Hossam, Abdullah and Karim, then joined us Mohammed Samy and Zidan
The conclusion is that no department is bad, u should define your vision, define your goal, what you wanna be after being graduated, will you work hard to find a job in Schlumberger ? do u like science such as Numerical Analysis ? or do u prefer to study Networking, Pattern Recognition,,, and compilers ?
or you prefer to study technologies and tools to be ready for real life work, as well as know what's Database and Datamining (IS) ?
it depends on your vision, you should work from now to reach your goal, wanna be a technical Manager ? an Architect ? Sales man ? Nurd! ? Professor ?
Scientific is not full of science as we expect, but it still has something new. Computer Science is essential for every scientist, and also could be studied alone, if you could find time. IS is for Data management lovers.
oops i forgot C.Sys. although i like, it seems that we didn't talk alot about it, or maybe didn't talk at all!
it's really a nice dept. The study of embedded systems, and continue on the line of Computer Architecure and Logic Design, doing software for different hardware types.
After graduation of any department, you will find work in Egypt, but if you wanna work in a specific field, then you have to take care, it would be hard to find a job, but still you can find a job.
other ideas grew in that meeting and in another little meeting before, that was a 'Wii', Grid Computing, virtual chemical lab, etc...
I wish that was a clear topic, and not a maze !


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