now comes the 2nd term, that term is much more better than the first one in my opinion, specially cuz subjects el 7efz ba2alha mafhoom tany :D
and understanding of real life matters such as Operating System and Computer Architecture has become clear.
Second Term
AI (lab):
i think i've talked before about that subject, kalam fe montaha el raw3a :D Here
i think i've talked before about that subject, kalam fe montaha el raw3a :D Here
i didn't talk about the lab, lab is prolog again, msh fare2 kteer 3an el first term
Computer Architecture (lab and 4 projects):
gr8 subject, and greatest Dr. (Dr. Sa3eed 3'oneimy), i've talked before barDo about the purpose of that subject Here
lab msh fare2 3an el lecture, fe 7aga zyada esmaha "Module" actually i didn't attend any of the module labs :$ , law 7ad men el zomala2 ye2dar yekallemna about it yb2a tmama :D
Database (lab and project):
not a bad subject :D, good Dr. (Dr. Tayseer) awelha 7efz, then feeh sho3'l kwayes such us drawing an EER, Normalization, Relational Algebra, Indexing and Trees problems
it's concerned with DB design, making a perfect DB design logically and physically
lab is SQL Server, 3o2bal ma yb2a 2005 :D, project is make a good DB with a simple C# interface, the data validation and any check or constraints is done through SQL Server not C# (procedures, functions, rules and defaults)
Graphics (lab and 2 projects):
it's a good subject, but not perfect :D, game programming generally has a gr8 market, but that subject ma wasaletsh lel mostawa da :D
not a good Dr. ! wa bel taly ma kansh 7ad bye7dar, wa bel taly kan mota7'ayel en elly mya3melsh elly howa 3ayzo bel zabtttt fel project yb2a ma bye7darloosh (7atta law kan bye7darlo), kan beyza3a2 3alashan el interface msh user friendly! (msh hammo el entire effort) {da fel lab project 2, it was making a pckage to draw premitive objects such as rectangle and cirle, and making some transformations and clipping}
lab project 1 e7na 3amalna game, flight, btedrabha rocket, tanfager :D
haytham did the flight motion, kamal and moussa rocket motion (fe hena interpolation-numerical), mustafa did the radar and startup menu, and i did the explosion effect
haytham did the flight motion, kamal and moussa rocket motion (fe hena interpolation-numerical), mustafa did the radar and startup menu, and i did the explosion effect
Operating System (lab and 2 projects):
gr8 subject, understand what is the purpose of the OS, and how it works along with computer processor and memory, good Dr. bas not good Exam :D, el exam byet3ad kol sana, we feeh questions 3ageeba :D
2 projects wad7a wa saree7a we standart for all groups
working on Linux fel lab, lazeez :D
System Analysis (lab and project):
good subject, and respectfull Dr., although el subject 7efz, bas el exam ma kansh 7efz 7'ales, the subject is concerned with system development phases (shabah software engineering, but more understood), we fel nos kda hy7sal intersection between DB and System Analysis :D
lab is making use case diagram, activity, sequence, class and state diagrams for a specific system
that's the second term :)
and here ends 3rd Year - FCIS
it's now time waiting exams results ans looking for a training in a company
yalla, salaaaam
هناك تعليق واحد:
Al Salamo 3alikom...
As I was checking this post to have an idea about this term.. I just thought to leave a comment this time...
'Jazakom Allaho 7'ayran katheeran'.. this was/is sooo useful bgd.. ("this" = this post & the first 2 parts..) & btw, many did read the first 2 parts at the beginning of the first term..
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